Signed: Molly Tasker, Former Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne, FL
Chronology of Achievements
Achievements of the Melbourne City Council (C/C), the Melbourne Airport Authority Board of Directors (A/A) and the City Staff while MOLLY TASKER served on City Council and the Airport Board of Directors (2008 - 2016):
2009 -- City Council (C/C) approved MIMA complex rebuild and relocation; C/C and the MLB Airport Authority Board of Directors (A/A) approved the new Kindred Hospital; C/C and A/A approved Embraer incentives for a new assembly facility for executive jet and 200+ high paying jobs; C/C moved into new City Hall and Parking facility
2010 -- C/C and A/A approved Phase I of Northrup Grumman expansion involving 600+ high paying jobs
2011 - 2012 -- C/C and A/A approve new incentives for locating Embraer world HQ for Executive jet Engineering 150+ high paying jobs
2011 - 2012 -- C/C approved the rebuild and replacement of Eau Gallie Fire Station (#71) and relocation of Fire Department HQ to the new Eau Gallie station
2013 -- C/C and A/A approved long term arrangement for new MIDAIR cargo facility 150+aviation jobs; C/C and A/A approved incentives for Embraer second assembly with $40+million of state funds into airport and 200+ added high paying jobs
2014 -- C/C and A/A approved multifaceted state incentivized package for $500 million expansion of Northrup Grumman including commitments for 2000 new high paying jobs
2013 - 2014 -- C/C approves purchase and annexation west of I-95 wetlands and key “connector” properties for eventual Platt farm connection, as well as Ellis interchange local shares and involvement
2013 - 2014 -- C/C approved new settlement of long running city water system disputes with West Melbourne in a forward thinking framework
2015 -- C/C annexes Platt farm 600 + acres in strategic growth area: SW corner of I-95/US 192
2015 -- C/C approves plan to dedicate a property tax increase to roadway upgrades throughout city ensuring Melbourne roads best kept in County
Period 2008 to 2012 -- Particularly after the Great recession of 2009-2010 City Council examined a myriad of alternatives and settled on retaining as many employees as possible to enable retention of high quality city services throughout. Despite the statewide referendum action to double the homestead property tax exemption as well as the loss of property tax value after the recession, no city employees were laid off (although several dozen participated in voluntary severance buyouts). Substantial belt tightening occurred through this period.
we need her leadership on